Oracle WebLogic 12c ( with Vagrant

With special help from Oracle Red Samurai Edwin Biemond, here are the steps on creating an Oracle WebLogic 12c domain with Vagrant on a Windows machine acting as the host.

Edwin Biemond provided unparalleled support and his Puppet scripts are first rate. He can be found on github at

Getting Oracle WebLogic 12c Version stood up in under 10 Minutes*

What you need to download to get the environment stood up.


Download and install the latest Version of VirtualBox:

Download and install Vagrantup:

Download and Install Git for Windows:

For Provisioning Oracle WebLogic:

Download JDK7 u40

Make sure you rename the jdk to jdk-7u40-linux-x64.tar.gz from jdk-7u40-linux-x64.gz

JDK7 Changes of Note as of 10/15/2013

Oracle released a new version of the JDK 1.7u45. This has been reflected and tested in the site.pp file. If you have an older JDK you will need to modify site.pp only. The JDK7 Puppet module does not need to be modified.

site.pp is located in c:\….\vagrant-wls12c-centos64\puppet\manifests\site.pp

Download Oracle WebLogic 12c version

Optional Tools:

PuTTy Terminal / PuTTy Key Generator

MacOS Users:

This was originally developed on MacOS and then ported for Windows users.


* Truth in Advertising Statement:

On the initial ‘vagrant up’ run, you will need to download the on the initial run from dopbox. This can take more then 10 minutes, but at least I warned you.


The rest of the work has been done for you…have fun.

Getting Oracle WebLogic 12c Version stood up in under 10 Minutes*

Vagrant – Google Chrome

Vagrant - Google Chrome

Vagrant – Downloads – Google Chrome

Vagrant - Downloads - Google Chrome

Vagrant – Downloads – Google Chrome

Vagrant - Downloads - Google Chrome

Open File – Security Warning

Open File - Security Warning

Vagrant Setup

Vagrant Setup

Vagrant Setup

Vagrant Setup

Vagrant Setup

Vagrant Setup

Vagrant Setup

Vagrant Setup

GitHub – Google Chrome

GitHub - Google Chrome

Set Up Git · GitHub Help – Google Chrome

Set Up Git · GitHub Help - Google Chrome

matthewbaldwin/vagrant-wls12c-centos64 – Google Chrome

matthewbaldwin/vagrant-wls12c-centos64 - Google Chrome

GitHub you don't need an account…but you can always create one.

If you don’t login then press “Skip Setup” and the repository will be downloaded

GitHub you don't need an account...but you can always create one.





Add downloaded wls_121200.jar and jdk-7u40-linux-x64.tar.gz


Add downloaded wls_121200.jar and jdk-7u40-linux-x64.tar.gz

Once you have synced with GitHub and a quicknote on how they are used

You will have directory structure in the image

Quick Note about VirtualBox shared files between the guest and the host when the virtual machine is booted up.

This directory is being shared with the guest VM. If you modify, delete or add files on the host, the same will happen on the guest and vice versa.

The directory c:\Users\mbaldwin\My Documents\GitHub\vagrant-wls12c-centos64 on the host is mapped to /vagrant on the linux guest. The subdirectories of \vagrant-wls12c-centos64 are also available on the Linux guest and automatically mounted.

Puppet modules and manifests on the host:

c:\Users\mbaldwin\My Documents\GitHub\centos64\puppet\modules (or manifests)

Are shown in the booted linux as

/vagrant/puppet/modules (or manifests)





Once you have synced with GitHub and a quicknote on how they are used



posh~git ~ vagrant-wls12c-centos64 [master]

posh~git ~ vagrant-wls12c-centos64 [master]

posh~git ~ vagrant-wls12c-centos64 [master]

Note that we don’t have a centos64 vagrant box to work with here. We will add this box in the Vagrantfile. This is a onetime operation.

posh~git ~ vagrant-wls12c-centos64 [master]

"vagrant up" posh~git ~ vagrant-wls12c-centos64 [master]

This is downloading the vagrant box specified in the Vagrantfile.

"vagrant up" posh~git ~ vagrant-wls12c-centos64 [master]

posh~git ~ vagrant-wls12c-centos64 [master]

Completed the download and now importing.

posh~git ~ vagrant-wls12c-centos64 [master]

posh~git ~ vagrant-wls12c-centos64 [master]

Booting the vm…based upon the vagrantfile.

posh~git ~ vagrant-wls12c-centos64 [master]

Whole Bunch of output

Whole Bunch of output

Big Pause posh~git ~ centos64 [master]

Just a quick note…this was from my test (Oracle Enterprise Linux) You will get the same pause.

Big Pause posh~git ~ centos64 [master]

Success – posh~git ~ centos64 [master]

Running is nodemanager as a linux service and AdminServer

Success - posh~git ~ centos64 [master]

Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console – Google Chrome from Host Windows Machine

Since we port forwarded in the Vagantfile we can login from the host machine

login: weblogic/welcome1

Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console - Google Chrome from Host Windows Machine

WebLogic Console

WebLogic Console

"vagrant ssh" posh~git ~ centos64 [master]

Running vagrant ssh gets you into the machine as user vagrant

"vagrant ssh" posh~git ~ centos64 [master]

login as oracle posh~git ~ centos64 [master]

You can then su -l oracle and have access to the guest.

From here you have all the commandline control you need over this server.

login as oracle posh~git ~ centos64 [master]

"vagrant box list" posh~git ~ vagrant-wls12c-centos64 [master]

Exit out of the ssh to the git command line and you can see that you have the new vagrantbox added to your list. You can use this box as a starter box for your other work.

"vagrant box list" posh~git ~ vagrant-wls12c-centos64 [master]

"vagrant destroy" – posh~git ~ vagrant-wls12c-centos64 [master]

With ‘vagrant destroy’ you then reset the box and when you run ‘vagrant up’ the Puppet scripts will run again.

Little Tip: If you chnage the provision scripts…you just need to run “vagrant provision”

"vagrant destroy"  - posh~git ~ vagrant-wls12c-centos64 [master]

Vagrant Documentation – Getting Started – SSH – For Windows Users

Information on setting up SSH with PuTTY…not really needed if using Git

Vagrant Documentation - Getting Started - SSH - For Windows Users

PuTTY Download Page – Google Chrome

PuTTY Download Page - Google Chrome

PuTTY Key Generator

This procedure would be done after you import the vagrant box

PuTTY Key Generator

Load private key:

This key is generated when you first run vagrant

Load private key:

PuTTY Key Generator

PuTTY Key Generator

PuTTY Key Generator

PuTTY Key Generator

PuTTYgen Warning

PuTTYgen Warning

PuTTygen Save ppk

PuTTygen Save ppk

Save private key on your drive

Save private key on your drive

PuTTY Configuration

PuTTY Configuration

PuTTY Configuration

PuTTY Configuration

PuTTY Configuration

PuTTY Configuration

Select private key file

Select private key file

PuTTY Configuration

PuTTY Configuration

PuTTY Configuration

PuTTY Configuration

PuTTY Configuration

PuTTY Configuration

PuTTY Configuration

PuTTY Configuration




My temporary 6 week “sabbatical” is coming to a close.  It has been an interesting summer of 2013.  Productive in some ways and wildly challenging in others.  I look forward to the new opportunities in front of me and have put behind me the challenges of the past 5 months as a learning experience.

MacHacking, Python Link

Updating to Python 3.3 on a Mac

Updating to Python 3.3 on a Mac

Straightforward description of how to upgrade Python on your mac.  I copied the script to a directory and then ran as sudo. I have this urge to learn Django.  I don’t know why.  Well, I do…my first Raspbery PI is on it’s way.  More about that later.

Guest Posts

Guest post from my niece Elinor Baldwin – Wreck the Halls

Nobody wanted a dog more than three year old Annie. She had begged and begged for a fluffy little puppy all her life.  Her mum and dad handn’t taken much notice of this.  Every morning Annie would get up early and read about dogs until breakfast.  Her older brother Alan and sister Ashleigh sneered at her constant begs.

It was near Christmas when Annnie’s dad was tucking her into her little pink bed.  Once again she pleaded and pleaded for a dog, but this time it was different, this time it got him thinking.  When he wsa boy Annie’s dad had a big dopey Airedale with his brothers Chris and Matt.  hHe thought to himself “If I get my daughter a dog, she can have the same experience I had.”

He kept the idea to himself for a while.  He didn’t tell his wife Susan about it, because he knew what she was like about any living thing with fur.  Annie started going on and on about loads of other new toys, video games, hair slides and DVD’s but her dad could see it in her eyes, glittering across her pupils, ‘dog’.

That was the day he decided to do it.  Annie’s dad marched along the street and into the pet shop.  He asked for the cutest dog they had.The shop owner shuffled to the back of the cupboards, rustled around and came back with the sweetest, fluffiest, cutest little Airedale.

He bought the little thing then and there and went over to the neighbours to ask if he could hide the dog there. It was Christmas eve and Annie’s dad was reading her ‘The Night Before Christmas’. When he had finished he snapped shut the book and asked Annie “what would you like Santa to bring you most of all?” She thought a moment and then replied “what I would really, really, really like,”

“Yes” her dad interrupted without thinking for a moment about the attention span of a three year old.

“Is a whale.”


By Elinor Baldwin

Worklog is alive

Working with AWS and deploying simple app and created my domain.  I have to admit it was fun.  Just a basic index.html page inside of an S3 bucket.  I have also published a token grails app as well to see how ElasticBean Stalk works.


Skype Interviews

While I am not surprised and I am a paying user of Skype, a video interview is a first for me. Lights camera and action.


Some Skype Interview recommendations for those interested.

Thoughts and Commentary

Owner and Tenant

I met with a colleague yesterday and the conversation was about an interesting opportunity he was pursuing. As part of the discussion, we talked about the difference between being engaged in making a commercial product compared to being an owner in the manufacturer of that commercial product. You might be the creator of a feature or product delivered, but since you may not be interested in being engaged in the longer term business associated in the creation of that feature you are not the owner. You are a tenant.

We agreed that if a person just wants to make things and be paid a set amount, that is an acceptable response. The risk, time and money, is minimized and the transaction is very clean. Depending upon the venture, this decision is sometimes the best solution. The business world is littered with people doing speculation work and not getting paid or realizing the anticipated return. There is nothing wrong with being a tenant.

However, if you want to be an owner, you need to make an investment and be willing to risk and lose that investment. I know this is entrepreneurship 101…but it comes up everyday in big and little companies. In things that I do, I strive to be an owner.